Corporate Law
Establishment of Limited Liability Company
Limited Liability Company regulated in Law Number 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Company (UUPT). In accordance with the Article 1 paragraph (1) of the Law No. 40/2007; “Limited Liability Company, hereinafter referred to as the Company, means a legal entity constitutes a capital alliance, established based on an agreement, in order to conduct business activities with the Company’s Authorized Capital divided into shares and which satisfies the requirements as stipulated in this Law, and it implementation regulations.”
The process of establishment of a limited liability company as illustrated by the diagram below;
The process of establisment of PT. (limited liability company in Indonesia)
If the establishment of a limited liability company performed in the context of foreign investment, the process of the establishment of PT implemented as illustrated in the following diagram;
The process of establisment of PT. (limited liability company in Indonesia)
The regulations relating to the establishment of a limited liability company;
- The Law of Investment Number 25 of 2007 Concerning Investment
- Presidential Regulation: List of Business Fields Closed to Investment and Business Fields Open with Conditions to Investment No : 39 Year 2014 (Negatif List of Investment/DNI)
- Regulation of The Chairman of The Investment Coordinating Board No 12 of 2013 Regarding The Amendment of Regulation of The Chairman of The Investment Coordinating Board No 5 of 2013 Regarding Guidelines and Procedures for Licensing and Non-Licensing Investment
- Regulation of the Chairman of the Investment Coordinating Board No 7 of 2013 Regarding Implementation of One Stop Service for Investment
- Regulation of The Chairman of The Investment Coordinating Board No 5 of 2013 Regarding Guidelines and Procedures for Licensing and Non-Licensing Investment